Revered Vaishnavas,
Please accept my dandavat pranams at your feet.
By the unlimited causeless mercy of Most Revered Sreela Paramgurudev Bhakti Dayita Madhav Goswami Maharaj and Most Revered Sreela Gurudev Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj, the conceptal design of the Samadhi Mandir at Sreedham Mayapur has come out fabulously. This activity was done under the constant guidance and care of Sree Bhakti Vivek Paramarthi Maharaj, the director of the entire project. The tireless efforts of Sree Bhakti Nilay Brihadvrati Maharaj and Sree Bhakti Vibudh Muni Maharaj have yielded such a masterpiece. The concept is unique in its own way and one can get to see this standalone monumental work in Sreedham Mayapur after its completion. We present the concept design to you with this mail as an attachment.
The construction is going to be made of stone entirely, starting from the footing. Rajasthan stone work and carvings will become the eye-catching aspects of the samadhi mandir. This building hosts the main samadhis of both Sreela Paramgurudev and Sreela Gurudev with a gallery in the first floor displaying the transcendental life events of both these divine personalities. This lotus-like structure has nine petals around its circumference resembling navada-bhakti (nine-fold devotional limbs) signifying that one can perform these devotional limbs following the footsteps of Sree Guru. Planters and fountains along the circumference and a lanscape vision from the inside of samadhi mandir complex reminds one of the beautiful groves in the holy dham where these two associates are eternally serving their dearmost object, Sree Gauranga Radha Krishna.
The strutural design drawings of the construction are in the final stage. The stone that will be used for construction and the contractor who has experience in this type of construction are already identified. The approximate cost of construction is about 12 crore (120 million) Indian Rupees and the time period for its completion is about 3 years.
Let us make our life successful by taking advantage of this topmost auspicious service opportunity and become recipients of the unbound divine grace of Most Revered Sreela Paramgrudev and Sreela Gurudev.
Sree Guru Charana-padma kevala bhakti-sadma
Sree Guru Vaishnava Dasanudas,
Prahlad Das
(for Samadhi Mandir Construction Team)